Hi Guys.. Welcome to The Otaku Activity.. in here.. you can read review; news; recommend; and many other thing that you should know about Anime/manga and Otaku World.

I will write a new article every period/a week.. I share my opinion about anime/manga that I have watch/read.. and give you all any recommend from any genre of anime/manga.


Well, to be honest.. I could know about anime/manga because of my fate (hehe.. xP)

I mean.. I started to watching anime when I was around 6-7 years old.. at that time, I am still a cute child (lol) and like to watching TV alot.

My Favorite TV show was cartoon.. ^^" and I still remember with well.. I used to watching Tom&Jerry, Loney toons, Disney channel, and many other cartoon when I was still in that age.. xD

til one day.. I saw the clip of Sailor Moon cartoon.. (in that time.. I thought all TV animation show is cartoon) and started to watching Sailor Moon every Monday-Friday (I think the TV show shcedule was in 5pm-5:30pm)

Haha.. its sounds funny to know that I still remember about that stuff thing.. but, That is me.. I am pretty good to remember about my child memories.. XD

oh yea, when I watched Sailor Moon.. I was always imagine that I wanted to be a strong and pretty girl like Usagi (the main character of Sailor Moon) and have a great Prince (Well, now I can say a crush or a bf.. xD) like Master Tuxedo.. xD

that's my child dream.. ^^" .

Even thought I started to watching anime when I still a kid.. but, until now, I still can remember with well.. how great Sailor Moon anime TV show.. it's really a great Anime, and I think.. most of anime that have a same genre like SM anime who we know now, basically they copy the basic story or animation style from Sailor Moon Anime in one way or the othery way.. (That's my opinion.. =P).

And than.. the second anime that I watched was Creamy Mami.. for this anime, I cant remember the whole story with well.. what I remember just.. it's a story about Mami, a girl who have a dream.. but, what's her dream.. and how's the anime go on.. I cant remember it with well.. ^^"

one thing that I am sure about Anime "Magical Angel Creamy Mami" is this anime an anime with genre romance, comedy, shoujou, and fantasy.

I still can remember how did I feel when I watched this anime... I feels so great, and hope I was can be like the girl in that anime.. a beauty, strong, and sweet girl.. (my child imagination.. xD).

The third anime that I watched was "Minky Momo" or its called "Magical Princess Minky Momo.. for this anime, I still remember about the story.. it was about a girl called Momo..she is a princess of dreaming world.. she came to Human world to get some learning to become the queen of Dream World, and to do that, she have to complete all crystal in her necklace for the point of her graduation (because she is learning to become Queen of Dream World.. of course to complete the crystal in her necklace is with fullfill human dreaming/wish.. xP).

it is  a funny anime.. really funny, and very cool too.. this anime genre is similar with the last one.. it's anime with genre comedy, fantasy, romance, shoujo and drama.

And from that time.. I start to watching anime TV show.. in that period I still didnt understand that japan cartoon who I like to watch were anime series... as long I know, I was really enjoyed my time when I watching those cartoon.. and always feels happy when my national TV channel show another Cartoon series in TV show.. =D

after minky momo.. I watched anime Hachi, Mahagogo, Ghost at chool, Jigoku Nube, and many other old anime..

Hachi is a story about a Honeybee called "Hachi" who doing a journey to find her real mom that was leave him when he still in his egg.. Hachi is really a very great anime.. I can give 10/10score for this awesome anime.. I almost cryed everytime I watched how hard Hachi Journey to find her mom.. and how much he try.. stand up from the brokeness.. to become more stronger.. and stay alive.. til he meet with his mom.

I can say... I really got many important lesson about Life from this awesome Anime...

Ghost at School and Nube is kinda of Mystery, Horror, school life, and drama Anime.. I love horror anime.. BUT, in fact.. I really Hate horror movie, scarry thing, and Ghost.. >.< (I know I am crazy and strange.. you dont need to tell me about it.. =P).

Beside, MahaGoGo is an anime about racing car.. I think this is the best anime about racing car that I ever watched... because the car in this anime have 3 control machine.. for drive in normal street, for flying in the sky, and for drown is the sea.. *sighs* I watched it when I was very kid, so I couldnt remember about the whole story with well... but, MahaGoGo is really an amazing anime... I really hope I could watching this anime once again.. ^^" .

The other old anime that I watched when I was around 6-9years old are Doraemon (Hahaha... I really love this funny anime series), Crash Gear, Beyblade, Jeanie, Dragon Ball (I dunno it's have an ending or not.. but from what I know.. DG and DGZ have been end from long tim ago.. still confusing about it.. =S), Pokemon (My fav Anime series.. >_^), Shinchan (arrghh.. I still cant believe that I watched this anime series when I was child.. ><), Ninja Hattori, P-Man, and many other anime that... My brain space forget to save them.. xD

and.. I finally know that Pokemon, Doraemon, Sailor Moon and all Japan cartoon that I have watch is called "Anime" when I meet with a girl.. (she is my older class sister) that love manga/Anime very much.

she was really kind and nice.. she told me that cartoon who I like to watch is called Anime, and Comic that I like to read called Manga.. ^^ (oh.. I didnt meet her since 5years ago.. miss u sis.. =( )

That's how did I know about Anime.. ^_^


I started read manga when I was around 7-8years old.. my first manga that I read was Doraemon.. XD I collected all doraemon series in that time.. but now, all of them gone when my old home being burn.. T_T hehehe... old story... I never let past make me feel bad.. xD

beside Doraemon, I also read DG manga, Ninja Hattori, Detective Conan, and many more.. I collected them... but now they r all gone.. ^^"

and, I start to really like read manga when I was 12years old.. beside I still continue watching anime in TV channel since I was kid til now...

than, since 2 years ago.. I start to become an Otaku for real.. I had collect more than 900manga volume, and collect Anime VCD/CD in my collection until now.. ^^


Hmmm... I will answer about Anime first.. there is many thing that make me Like anime.. probably, what makes me like anime is because anime kinda of cartoon animation that have  special effect, many kind of genre, story, and have it unique identity that make it different than other cartoon in it class... well, to make it simple.. I like Anime because Anime have their own style, their own design, and their own characteristics that can show everyone Anime is not a normal cartoon like normal people use to know..

In Japan, people from all age mostly like watching Anime.. Why do old people also like to watching Anime? it is because Anime is different from Normal cartoon like wha all people use to know..

Anime creator make Anime with any kind of genre, type, series, story, specific, and creation to make all people can enjoy anime creation that they make...

Anime usually being classify into some class.. well, I dunno how do they call it.. but, class who I mean is, Anime creator make an Anime for people in any kind of age..

there is anime for people in 5-7years old, 8-12years old, 12-15years old, 15-17years old, and 18+years old..

why is anime being classify by classes age like that?? That's because Anime is not Cartoon that we use to know.. Anime is a Cartoon Animation that have special thing, many kind of genre, series, type, until many kind of story.. that being creation for people in a special classify of age, genre, and type of person...

and one thing that make me Like to watching Anime.. once you like to watching anime.. you will never can to feels bored, or feels bad cause you cant watching anime series again (example because you have watching all anime series)... for people like me.. that is almost impossible to feels bad like those feeling... because, unlike normal cartoon like what we know.. Anime always have a new series every month, every quarter, or maybe every year.. once you watching one anime series, you might can watch the OVA of that anime series.. or watching Anime Movie from that series.. who can make you become more understand about the story way from that anime...

And.. Usually, any music that become Anime soundtrack is really show how great creation Anime is... I really Love to watching Anime...

the other reason that make me love watching Anime, no matter how bad an anime (I never think Anime is bad.. lol) you still can find a good thing from that anime.. I mean, you may still can take some life lesson, or you may can hear good music soundtrack, or you may can find a good anime character..

but, for my opinion.. Anime is an Amazing creation.. Every anime series have their own style, type, genre, and story way.. once an Anime being created by Anime creator or Anime studio production.. I am sure that Anime have a good thing to be watched by me..

because, creating an Anime is not an easy thing.. and if people had created it.. means it deserve to be watching by Anime fans.. even thought, I still have my taste to choose which anime is good or bad.. ^^" =P

Just wanna tell you guys some of my experience... in Anime, I studied many thing about Life and Human personality.. I found out many great lesson that I never can to find it except in anime.. when I am watching anime.. I always feels a love that the anime creator put into their anime creation..

without Loving Anime.. people will never can to make a great anime.. ^_^

Now, I will turn to Manga.. what make me like Manga is because an amazing art work, chara design, and emotional effect that the mangaka draw into their manga creation.. Try to look to normal comic, and than look to Japanese comic (Manga) after you did it.. you will understand that manga and normal comic is different in their art work, and comic plot..

and once you understand the different between them.. you will find a thing about how great comic creation manga is... =D

My basic reason what make me like Manga is similiar with my answer what's make me like anime.. and usually, Anime being created by adapt from Manga.. ^^"

but, Manga version have more genre, series, and type than anime version.. and New Manga always come out every week.. I think this is the plus point that make me like Manga.... (If I have to choose between Manga and Anime, I will choose Manga.. because its more cheap, simple, and more great.. xP)

Well, I think.. it's enough for me to tell you about my Activity in Anime/Manga World.. My activity is still continue til now.. and in this Otaku Village.. I will share my activity with you in Otaku Activity..

Hope You enjoy your stay here guys.. ;)